Secretary of State Vacancies

  • 18 April 2019

Would you like to play a leading role in conserving and enhancing the natural beauty and special qualities of our most treasured landscapes?

“I am looking for a wide range of passionate and committed individuals who want to help shape the strategic direction of our National Park Authorities and AONB Conservation Boards. As a Secretary of State appointed member, you will have the opportunity to help conserve and enhance our most treasured landscapes now and for future generations. I welcome applications from people who have a clear understanding of land management, rural communities, as well as protection and enhancement of the environment.

Lord Gardiner of Kimble, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Rural Affairs and Biosecurity

Current recruitment: Ministers are seeking to appoint 12 passionate and committed members to four National Park Authorities; Broads Authority, Lake District, Peak District, New Forest, and one Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; the Cotswolds Conservation Board. Secretary of State Members have an important role to play overseeing the management of these special landscapes. They provide leadership and strategic input, at a non-executive level, to the National Park Authorities and AONB Conservation Boards which work to ensure the deliveryof benefits to the national and local communities.

Contact: If you have any questions about the appointments process or would like an informal discussion about the role please contact AlexReid, Defra Public Appointments Team on 020 802 67248;

These positions are non-salaried but certain allowances are available. The time commitment varies between 1 -4 days per month.

For further information about this role and to apply, please visit the Centre for Public Appointments.

Closing date for applications: Noon on 13 May 2019

Download advert –  Secretary of State Vacancy