Planning advice

How our planning team can help.

Our small planning team provides responses on behalf of the Board in respect of planning policy and development management matters. These find these on the Planning Responses page. The documents below provide additional useful information relating to planning matters within the CNL and its setting.

Development Management Consultation Thresholds

Our consultation thresholds tables show which development management (planning applications and appeals) consultations we seek to provide responses to, and the level of detail of the response.

Statutory Duty to Seek to Further the Purpose of CNL Designation

This document provides the Board’s standing advice in relation to the statutory duty for relevant authorities outlined at Section 85 of the Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000, and how it should be addressed in planning decisions.

Pre-Application Advice Charging Schedule

The Board can provide confidential pre-application advice to applicants in relation to proposals within the Cotswolds National Landscape and/or its setting, subject to officer capacity. This document outlines the Board’s approach to providing pre-application advice and our charging schedule.

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