Response to the announcement that the A417 ‘Missing Link’ road scheme has been accepted for examination

  • 30 June 2021

The Planning Inspectorate (PINS) announced on 29 June 2021 that an application for the A417 ‘Missing Link’ road scheme has been accepted for examination.

The Cotswolds National Landscape team has engaged with Highways England about its plans for a road scheme to ease traffic congestion on the A417 since it was first proposed. Although this engagement has resulted in positive changes, there are still opportunities to ensure the design of the new road meets the landscape-led vision, objectives and design principles that have been agreed by Highways England and other stakeholders.  The road scheme must not only address safety and congestion issues but also bring the best outcomes for local communities and benefit the natural beauty, diverse wildlife and unique heritage of the Cotswolds National Landscape.

We are supportive of the landscape led vision of the road scheme, though we remain disappointed that the scheme still does not deliver biodiversity net gain. This means it fails to ensure wildlife habitats are in a better state than they were before the development. We will continue to work collaboratively with Highways England, key partners, and stakeholders, to unlock ways to achieve this through maximising the opportunities for biodiversity both within and outside the scheme boundary and developing landscape-scale Designated Funds initiatives to provide long-term benefit to this special landscape

We want to see a well-designed scheme delivered, and remain committed to working together with key partners, stakeholders, and Highways England.  We will now examine the details of the documents submitted as part of the DCO process, to ensure that the final scheme delivers a lasting and beneficial legacy for this very special, designated landscape, and the people and wildlife who call it home.