New Year 2021 Lockdown

  • 5 January 2021

Following the government’s announcement of a national New Year 2021 lockdown, we highly recommend reading the full guidance on the latest lockdown rules to understand the restrictions. 

The Cotswolds National Landscape is within accessible driving distance for many surrounding towns and cities, but we’d like to remind people that at the moment, it’s very important for everyone who can to stay at home. The new lockdown rules state that we should all minimise the amount of time we spend outside our homes. If you are able to exercise locally to where you live in the Cotswolds, please remember our advice when you are outside:

  1. We must still all observe social distancing guidelines, even outdoors and in the countryside. If a walking path is narrow, wait for others to pass. Be patient.
  2. Respect those who live here.
    Many of our countryside residents and landowners are older and fit into the ‘vulnerable’ category of those at risk from coronavirus. Help protect their health by remembering good hygiene around gates and stiles, being considerate about where you park, and looking out for and adhering to any route diversions (which may be in place to protect those on farms, for example asking walkers not to go through the yard, or not to go past the house etc).
  3. Plan your time. Download self-guided walking routes, and make sure you’re dressed appropriately for the weather, and know when it gets dark.
  4. Remember the Countryside Code. Stick to it. If you don’t know it, learn it here.
  5. Tread carefully. Please be very careful not to disturb wildlife. This might include ground-nesting birds, or wildflowers.
  6. Please use your common sense. Keep dogs on leads and pick up their mess, don’t leave any litter.

Take your time, and breathe – these continue to be strange times, but we can once again take this opportunity to find reassurance in the healing qualities of nature, and to enjoy and appreciate our surroundings more.