New Call for Project Applications

  • 29 April 2019

National Grid Landscape Enhancement Initiative (LEI)

Call for Projects in the vicinity of pylon lines ZF3 (Upper Coberley to Cirencester) and 4TE1 (Upper Coberley to Eastington)

Following a successful call for projects for the National Grid Landscape Enhancement Initiative earlier this year, the Board is issuing a further call, this time for pylon lines ZF3 which runs between Coberley and Eastington & 4TE1 which runs between Coberley and Cirencester

This £24 million grant scheme offers awards of up to £200,000 for projects to enhance landscapes containing or impacted by National Grid’s existing electricity transmission infrastructure.

Only the Cotswolds Conservation Board (the Board) can apply to the National Grid for this funding in the Cotswolds and we are inviting partners to put forward projects.

The deadline for submitting expressions of interest to the Board is the 14th June 2019 for projects commencing in May 2020.

Proposing a Project

The supporting Information below details information to help you develop ideas for projects, it contains:

  • The selection criteria.
  • The sort of projects they are interested in funding.
  • A map showing the approximate area impacted on by the power lines along with the landscape character types from the AONB Landscape Character Assessment.
  • Web links to: The LEI web page, Cotswolds AONB Management Plan, Cotswolds AONB Landscape Character Assessment and the Cotswolds AONB Landscape Strategy and Guidelines.

This is a discretionary grant with a two stage application process starting with a simple expression of interest (attached). If the expression of interest is successful, the ensuing full application will need to be detailed and complete. We have been informed that unlike many grant schemes the element of competition is relatively low so the prospect of strong eligible projects being funded is good.

Please note that the Board is not able to contribute to the minimum 25% match funding, though as well as cash, you can count in-kind and volunteer effort as match.

The Board will look to combine similar projects together under a single expression of interest to National Grid.

If you have a project idea please complete the expression of interest form and e-mail it to Simon Smith, Project Development Officer any time before the 14th June 2019.

Download the LEI Expression of Interest Form

Download the LEI Call for Projects Guidelines

Anyone with a project idea is encouraged to talk to Simon Smith the Board’s Project Development Officer .


Please share this with anyone who you think may be interested