Cotswolds Conservation Board publishes Annual Review

  • 7 July 2016

Training over 430 people in rural skills, engaging over 300 young people participating in countryside learning and supporting over £450,000 worth of local community projects are just some of the highlights included in the recently published Annual Review 2015/16 by the Cotswolds Conservation Board.

The Conservation Board, which looks after the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), which is marking its 50th anniversary of being designated as a protected landscape.

The Annual Review summarises the work undertaken by the Board’s staff, members, voluntary wardens and partner organisations during the last financial year.  Despite economically challenging times, the support and partnership working across the area has continued to bring a wide range of benefits to the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and its local communities.

Highlights include:

  • Marking the 50th anniversary of the Cotswolds AONB with news of the first roadshow events and the start of the anniversary walk by Liz Eyre
  • Significant value for money achieved by the Board and the related investment in the Cotswolds AONB landscape
  • Demonstration of a strategic, AONB-wide view on key areas of work eg. sustainable tourism and access
  • The reach across the Board’s social media platforms
  • And, a reminder of the Board’s vision, aims and values

Statistics from the Annual Review can also be viewed in the Board’s info-graphic video as shown at the Cotswolds AONB 50th Anniversary Reception at Westminster.

Click here to open the full Annual Review or click here to view the info-graphic to see how the Board has made a difference in 2015/16.