Chasing Darkness...

  • 22 February 2019

Join us for an evening with respected astronomer Will Gater to celebrate our dark skies!

Dark skies are recognisably important as part of our heritage, for wildlife, and for health and wellbeing. They are a notable and characteristic feature of the Cotswolds AONB and in 2016, CPRE published survey data showing that a good part of the Cotswolds AONB retains high quality dark skies – but also warns that dark skies are becoming increasingly rare. We need to protect the astronomical landscape as much as the landscape underfoot.

The Cotswolds Conservation Board is launching the Cotswolds Dark Skies Initiative on the evening of 16th March at Guiting Power Village Hall. Astronomy Journalist, author, and science presenter Will Gater will be talking about what dark skies mean to us, what they can reveal, and how we must work to protect their treasures. Weather permitting, the evening will conclude with an outdoor stargazing session.

BOOKING ESSENTIAL Tickets are £8.00 for adults, 16 and under free and are available from: