A417 Missing Link Road Scheme Approved

  • 17 November 2022

Image: An artist’s impression of the scheme shows plans for the Gloucestershire Way crossing

Joint statement from Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, National Trust, and Cotswolds National Landscape

We note the decision has been made to move ahead with the A417 ‘Missing Link’ road scheme, addressing long standing traffic and safety concerns.

Cotswolds National Landscape, Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust and the National Trust have worked collaboratively to help National Highways move towards a genuinely landscape-led road scheme that can deliver a lasting, beneficial legacy for the Cotswolds landscape, its wildlife, people and history.

Our engagement has resulted in positive changes and, whilst we recognise efforts from National Highways to improve protections for wildlife, we remain disappointed that the scheme will not deliver overall biodiversity net gain.

We are passionate about our role in protecting the natural beauty, diverse wildlife and unique heritage of this important landscape. We will continue to engage with National Highways to ensure the protections set out in the planning application (DCO) are delivered, and to identify additional opportunities to improve the outcomes for nature and people.