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More corporate volunteering

Image shows a group of eight people in a woody glade. They're all smiling and posing for the photo. Two of them are crouched at the front of the group, and the rest are standing. The ground is sloped, and the people are wearing safety equipment and carrying tools to help with woodland management.

The team from Xerox helped out with lots of tasks, including some woodland management. 

Hot on the heels of our last corporate volunteering group, we were recently joined by another enthusiastic group – this time from Xerox. The team works nationally, and this was a great opportunity to get together in person for the day.

Gathering at a stunning quarry, a little off the beaten track – but with dramatic views over the Severn Vale, the group were tasked with a reptile survey, some woodland management, a litter pick, and Himalayan balsam pulling. During the afternoon, they took in a wildlife walk to enjoy this vibrant mosaic habitat – home to a wide range of wildflowers, butterflies, reptiles, and small mammals.

As with all our corporate groups, the team from Xerox arrived with high energy and plenty of enthusiasm – and maintained both throughout the day.

As well as excellent team building opportunities, days like this are a great way for companies to contribute to ongoing conservation work in the Cotswolds. Reducing invasive species like Himalyan balsam helps stop its spread, and litter picking, path widening, and habitat creation help both wildlife and people enjoy the countryside.