Our Cotswold Voluntary Wardens organise work parties across the Cotswolds all year round. They work on a wide range of activities to maintain and improve trails. Some of these tasks are seasonal and regular – like clearing scrub or overgrowth from a path. Some are occasional, for example moving a fallen tree, or repairing a gate or stile.
If you see something you think the wardens would like to be made aware of, please report it here. Examples of what you might report:
- Stile / gate / footbridge requiring repair
- Fallen tree / path obstructions
- Impassable overgrowth
- Missing / broken waymarking
If you find anything dangerous or urgent on a public right of way then you must contact your County Rights of Way Teams but for non-urgent issues or general access enquiries then please complete the form below and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.