Linda Somers and Miles the teddy bear

From: Sandhurst, Berkshire, UK

Started: 20230911

Finished: 20230921

I was supposed to walk with a friend but, due to illness, ended up walking solo with just my Teddy for company poking out of my rucksack (when it wasn’t raining or hailing!).
I really loved the chocolate box, picturesque villages of the northern section. I found poles incredibly useful – along with waterproof socks and a poncho. Had one very scary experience with a field of bullocks just before Kings Stanley, but adored the belted Galloways and the plethora of sheep. My favourite day has to be Leckhampton Hill/Crickly Hill if only for the views.
I don’t think anything can prepare you for the constant hills – if you’re not going up or coming down you’re walking sideways along one!
I found very few people along the way but those I did, whether they were locals, golfers or long distance walkers were always so friendly. I think a few people followed me because of my bear so it was nice to be greeted by name!