From: Bristol, UK
Started: 20170311
Finished: 20230731
When my dad went into a home with Dementia, over 6 years ago, my daughter and I thought it would be a good idea to walk the Cotswolds Way and raise money for BRACE – a dementia research charity in Bristol. Sadly, my dad died nearly 2 years ago now and we had to start in very small chunks as my daughter was 11 when we started – but we’ve finally finished! (she’s 17 now and much taller than me!) We had a big break for Covid and for her GCSEs and we used all manor of transport to get us to and from the trail – taxis, lifts, buses and even steam trains! It was a nice little adventure and a chance to spend time with my daughter, who will be going off to university next year. I’m sure my dad would have approved.