Circuit of Bath Official way marked route

Complete Circuit of Bath route. 20.5 miles of walking around the Bathscape. Offers stunning views, history, heritage, countryside and city.


20.6 miles / 33.15 km


9 to 10 hours





Route description

You can start and finish in several places including Lansdown Park & Ride, Newbridge Park & Ride, Odd Down Park & Ride, Bathampton Village and the Brassknocker Basin car park at the canal centre (parking charges apply here). You can also walk the route in sections.

There are several pubs and cafes along the route. In due course, there will be a walking guide to accompany this walk, which will be downloadable from the Bathscape and Cotswold National Landscape websites.

We recommend that you walk the route in a clockwise direction to make the climbs slightly easier. It is easy to section the walk up into chunks if you do not want to walk 21.5 miles in one day. The slopes of Little Solsbury Hill can be very muddy in the winter, and after a lot of rain, this route avoids the worst section. However, there is still a lot of mud on the rest of the circular route, especially during the winter months.