Board's Chairman celebrates all that the Cotswolds designation means in anniversary walk

  • 18 October 2016

The Cotswolds Conservation Board’s Chairman Liz Eyre has completed walking the 102 mile Cotswold Way National Trail marking the 50th anniversary of the Cotswolds as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

Liz, began the golden anniversary walk in March from outside Bath Abbey and completed the walk in ten stages over seven months along the Cotswold escarpment, through picturesque villages and past famous ancient sites, reaching Chipping Campden in early October.  She was joined by members and staff from the Cotswolds Conservation Board, walking groups, local residents and the Board’s own Cotswold Voluntary Wardens.

Liz says that the anniversary walk has enabled her to rediscover the variety of landscapes that make up parts of the AONB: “In addition to celebrating all that our designation means, especially in this the 50th anniversary year, the walk offered me many other opportunities. I was able to meet and thank those that are our voluntary arm working tirelessly in many ways for the accessibility of the Cotswolds. I reconnected with the variety of landscapes that make up the area. I fell in love with many of our views.

I was surprised at the extent of the variety of people from other countries, drawn to what we hold so dear. I learnt even more about our individual landscapes The flora and fauna, wild flowers – woodland and meadow, bird life and butterflies seemed to be out in great numbers as I passed by.

Most surprisingly the landscape came alive, through interpretation and features left behind, as I clambered over hill forts and encampments, passed burial grounds, great houses, ecclesiastical and civil features. The whole journey was physically and mentally enriching a lesson I hope passed on to others via the BBC Radio Gloucestershire coverage.”

Liz is raising funds for caring for the Cotswolds AONB and there is still time to do your bit by donating.

If you would like to donate £5 to help support the Cotswolds Conservation Board in caring for the Cotswolds simply text ‘COTS 01 £5’ to 70070.

You can find out more about the Cotswolds AONB and other 50th anniversary events and projects by visiting