Our board

Our Board has 37 members – with representatives from local authorities, parish councils, and appointments made by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).


Alastair Adams

Alastair Adams

Appointed by Worcestershire County Council

Register of interests (PDF)

Nigel Adcock

Nigel Adcock

Appointed by Tewkesbury Borough Council

Register of interests (PDF)

Jo Barker

Jo Barker

Appointed by Warwickshire County Council

Register of interests (PDF)

Chris Brant

Chris Brant

Appointed by Cherwell District Council

Register of interests (PDF)

Martin Brown

Martin Brown

Appointed by Stroud District Council

Register of interests (PDF)

Rebecca Charley

Rebecca Charley

Vice chair

Appointed by Parish Council Group 7

Register of interests (PDF)

Katherine Chesson

Katherine Chesson

Appointed by Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Register of interests (PDF)

Brendan Costelloe

Brendan Costelloe

Appointed by Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Register of interests (PDF)

Susan Crawford

Susan Crawford

Appointed by Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Register of interests (PDF)

Paul Crossley

Paul Crossley

Appointed by Bath & North East Somerset Council

Register of interests (PDF)

Benjamin Dent

Benjamin Dent

Appointed by Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Register of interests (PDF)

Ellie Fujioka

Ellie Fujioka

Appointed by Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Register of interests (PDF)

Andrea Graham

Andrea Graham

Co-opted onto the Board

Register of interests (PDF)

Andy Graham

Andy Graham

Appointed by Oxfordshire County Council

Register of interests (PDF)

Elizabeth Hodges

Elizabeth Hodges

Appointed by Parish Council Group 1

Register of interests (PDF)

Paul Hodgkinson

Paul Hodgkinson

Appointed by Gloucestershire County Council

Register of interests (PDF)

Graham Hopkins

Graham Hopkins

Appointed by Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Register of interests (PDF)

Martin Horwood

Martin Horwood

Appointed by Cheltenham Borough Council

Register of interests (PDF)

Doug Hulyer

Doug Hulyer

Co-opted onto the Board

Register of interests (PDF)

Juliet Layton

Juliet Layton

Appointed by Cotswold District Council

Register of interests (PDF)

Cate Le Grice-Mack

Cate Le Grice-Mack

Appointed by Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Register of interests (PDF)

Brendan McCarthy

Brendan McCarthy


Appointed by Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Register of interests (PDF)

Parish Group 6 TBC

Parish Group 6 TBC

Appointed by Parish Council Group 6

Rosie Pearson

Rosie Pearson

Appointed by West Oxfordshire District Council

Register of interests (PDF)

David Powell

David Powell

Appointed by Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Register of interests (PDF)

Margaret Reid

Margaret Reid

Co-opted onto the Board

Register of interests (PDF)

Isabel Ross

Isabel Ross

Appointed by Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Register of interests (PDF)

Emma Sims

Emma Sims

Appointed by Wychavon District Council

Register of interests (PDF)

Martin Smith

Martin Smith

Appointed by Wiltshire Council

Register of interests (PDF)

Ben Stokes

Ben Stokes

Appointed by South Gloucestershire Council

Register of interests (PDF)

John Swanton

John Swanton

Appointed by Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Register of interests (PDF)

Sarah Whalley-Hoggins

Sarah Whalley-Hoggins

Appointed by Stratford on Avon District Council

Register of interests (PDF)