Living & Working Action and Decision Sheet 21 July 2015
Appendix A - Cotswolds AONB Housing Permissions Post NPPF Table
Appendix B - Local Plan and Core Strategy Update November 2015
Appendix C - Gateway Marker Stones Existing Locations
Appendix D - Bibby Report AONB 2001-2011 Trends
Appendix E - National Trust AONBs and Development
Review of Landscape Strategy and Guidelines
Appendix A - Landscape Strategy and Guidelines Introduction and Use
Appendix B - Escarpment Outliers
Appendix B3 - Rolling Hills and Valleys
Appendix B8 - High Wold Valley
Appendix B9 - High Wold Dip Slope
Living & Working Sub-Committee - Action and Decision Sheet 23rd November 2015