Executive Committee Agenda - 23 May 2023
Item 2(a) - Exec Committee Minutes 24.01.23 (DRAFT)
Item 2(b) - Exec Committee Action List 24.01.23
Item 3 - Board Meeting Minutes - 21.02.23 (DRAFT)
Item 5 - Operational and Financial Performance
Item 5, Appendix A - Key Performance Indicators
Item 7 - Farming in Protected Landscapes
Item 7, Appendix A - FiPL at a glance
Item 8 - Climate Action (inc. appendices A-D)
Item 9 - Planning and Infrastructure
Item 10 - Projects and Fundraising
Item 11 - Wellbeing and Inclusion
Item 12 - Trails, Access and Volunteering
Item 14 - CNL Board Meeting Agenda - 27 June 2023