Item 2a - Exec Committee 25.05.21 - Minutes_DRAFT
Item 2b - Exec Committee 25.05.21 - Action List
Item 3 - Board Meeting 22.06.21 - Minutes_DRAFT
Item 5 - Operational and Financial Performance
Item 5 Appendix A - KPI Targets and Quarterly Reporting Format 2021-22
Item 6 - Farming in Protected Landscapes
Item 7 Appendix A - External Bids
Item 8 - Planning and Infrastructure
Item 9 Appendix A - A417 Relevant Representation
Item 10 - Glorious Cotswolds Grasslands
Item 13 Appendix A - Forward Planning Day Results
Item 13 Appendix B - Costed Production Schedule
Item 14 - Board Meeting Agenda 12.10.21