Agenda - Executive Committee - 24.02.21
Item 2a - Exec Committee 18.11.20 - Unconfirmed Minutes
Item 2b - Exec Committee 18.11.20 - Action List
Item 3 - Board Meeting 09.12.20 - Unconfirmed Minutes
Item 5 Appendix A - Reserves Movements and Forecast Position Report
Item 5 Appendix B - Income and Expenditure Report
Item 6 - Business Planning 2021_22
Item 6 Appendix A - Work Programme 2021-22
Item 6 Appendix B - Draft Budget by Area 2021_22
Item 6 Appendix C - Draft Budget Reserves and Position 2021_22
Item 7 - Working and Steering Groups
Item 8 Appendix A - Employee Policies and Guidance
Item 9 Appendix A - Treasury Management
Item 9 Appendix B - Financial Investment Performance
Item 10 - Reappointment of Internal Auditor
Item 11 - Register of Interests and Related Party Transactions
Item 15(a) - Draft Agenda March Board
Item 15(b) - Draft Agenda May Exec