Executive Committee Meeting Agenda 2nd June
Unconfirmed Minutes - Executive Committee 28th April 2016
L&WSC Action and Decision Sheet, 10th May 2016
L&WSC Pre-Application, Planning and Landscape Advice Charging
L&WSC Wormington to Sapperton Pipeline - Discharge of Monitoring Condition
L&WSC Appendix1 Draft Discharge
L&WSC Appendix2 Draft Discharge Letter CCB
C&MSC Action and Decision Sheet, 10th March 2016
C&MSC Review of The Landscape Strategy and Guidelines
C&MSC 4. Enclosed Limestone Valley
C&MSC 6. Ironstone Hills And Valleys
C&MSC 13, Low Limestone Plateau
C&MSC 16. Broad Floodplain Valley
C&MSC 18. Settled Unwooded Vale
E&ASC Action and Decision Sheet, 22nd March 2016
E&ASC The Cotswold Way National Trail
E&ASC Rural Skills End of Year Report 2015-16
GSC Action and Decision Sheet, 5th April 2016
Grants Sub-Committee End of Year Report 2015-16
GSC Appendix A Sustainable Development Fund Spreadsheet Summary 2015-16
Draft Statement of Accounts 2015/16
Appendix A Statement of Accounts 2015-16
Appendix B Annual Return Accounting Statements Copy
Financial Investment Review 2015/16
Appendix A Financial Investment Report Treasury Management Strategy
Cotswolds Conservation Board Annual Review 2015/16
Appendix A Communications Plan 2015-16
The Cotswolds Discovery Centre
Appendix A Cotswolds LEADER Project List
Appendix B Cotswolds LEADER Project Map
Cotswolds Conservation Board – Update on the Cotswolds AONB 50th Anniversary