Executive Committee - 27th May 2020

27 May 2020
Executive Meeting


Agenda - CCB Executive Committee 27.05.20


Item 5 - Procurement Waivers 2019-20

Item 5 Appendix A - Relevant Transactions 2019-20

Item 6 - Internal Audit

Item 6 Appendix A - Internal Audit Report

Item 6 Appendix B - AGAR Accounting Statement

Item 7 - Annual Governance Review

Item 7 Appendix A - Corporate Governance Framework

Item 7 Appendix B - AGAR Accounting Statement

Item 8 - Annual Accounts

Item 8 Appendix A - Bank Reconciliation

Item 8 Appendix B - AGAR Accounting Statement

Item 8 Appendix C - Statement of Accounts

Item 9 - Sculpture Trail 2021

Item 9 Appendix A - Art of Fundraising proposal 30 Apr 2020

Item 9 Appendix B - Cashflow forecast 14 May 2020

Item 10 - Landscape Enhancement Initiative Lodge Park Project Proposal

Item 10 Appendix A - Lodge Park Project Proposal Template

Item 10 Appendix B - Lodge Park LEI EOI

Item 10 Appendix B1 - Bridgeman Restoration Location

Item 10 Appendix B2 - Proximity to the Power Line

Item 10 Appendix B3 - Restoration replanting and management Master Plan

Item 10 Appendix B4 - Bridgeman Restoration Project Features

Item 10 Appendix B5 - View of pylons and power lines from site

Item 11 - Annual Review 2019-20

Item 12 - H&S Policy and Process

Item 12 Appendix A - H&S Policy FINAL

Item 12 Appendix B - H&S Process FINAL

Item 13 - Covid-19 Work Programme and Reforecast

Item 13 Appendix A - C-19 Work Prog 2020-21 RAG

Item 13 Appendix B - C-19 Reforecast

Item 14 - Key Performance Indicators

Item 14 Appendix A - KPIs Measure Definitions

Item 14 Appendix B - KPI Targets and Quarterly Reporting Format

Item 15 - A417 Update

Item 16 - ELM Test and ELM policy discussion document

Item 16 Appendix A - Red Kite Cotswolds ELMS report Final 2020-03-27

Item 17 - Employee Performance Reviews (Appraisals)

Item 17 Appendix A - Inspiring Great Performance

Item 19 - H&S Activity Summary Report 2019-20

Item 20(a) - External Bids Update

Item 20(b) - Walking and Exploring WG

Item 20(c) - Planning and Infrastructure WG

Item 20(d) - GCG Steering Group

Item 21(a) - Schedule of Meetings

Item 21(a) Appendix A - Schedule of Meetings for 2020-21

Item 21(b) - draft agenda June Board

Item 21(c) - draft agenda Sept Exec


Executive Committee 27.05.20 - minutes