10am – Council Chambers, Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester GL7 1PX
Our board meetings are open to the public. For members of the public wishing to attend the meeting please email info@cotswolds-nl.org.uk to make us aware you will be joining us.
CNL Board Meeting Agenda 25.02.2025
Item 2(a) - CNL Board Meeting 22.10.24_DRAFT MINUTES
Item 2(b) - CNL Board Meeting 22.10.24_ACTION LIST
Item 3 - Exec Committee Meeting 21.1.25 DRAFT MINUTES
Item 5 Appendix A - KPI Measures and Tracking 2024-25
Item 6(a) - Draft Minutes of the F and G Committee 11.02.2025
Item 6(b) - Draft Operating Budget 2025-26 Cover Paper
Item 6(b) - Appendix A - Reserves Movements
Item 6(b) - Appendix B - Income & Expenditure
Item 6(b) - Appendix C - Reserves Policy 2025-26
Item 6(c) - Risk Management Framework 2025
Item 6(c) - Appendix A CNL Risk Register 2025-26
Item 6(d) - External Audit FY 2023-2024
Item 6(d) - Appendix A - Annual Governance Statement 2023-2024
item 6(d) - Appendix B - External Auditor Report 2023.2024
Item 6(d) - Appendix C - Audit Closure Letter 2023-2024
Item 6(d) - Appendix D - Notice of Conclusion of External Audit 2023-2024
Item 6(e) - Virements and New Contracts
Item 7b - National Planning Policy Framework
Item 8(a) - Management Plan 2025 - 30
Item 8(a) - Appendix A Management Plan 2025 - 2030
Item 8(b) - Lighting Guidance adoption paper
Item 8(b) - Appendix A Cotswolds National Landscape Lighting Guidance V4 for adoption