CNL Board Meeting Agenda - 16 July 2024
Item 2(a) - Board Meeting 20.02.24_DRAFT MINUTES
Item 2(b) - Board Meeting 20.02.24_ACTION LIST
Item 3 - Executive Committee 21.05.24_DRAFT MINUTES
Item 7 - Work Programme and KPIs
Item 7 Appendix A - Work Programme 2023-24 (final report)
Item 7 Appendix B - Key Performance Indicators 2023-24
Item 8(a) - Management Plan 2025-30
Item 8(a) Appendix A - Management Plan 2025-2030 V1.2
Item 9(a) - F&G Committee Meeting Minutes DRAFT 17.05.24
Item 9(b) - Year End Financial Results 2023-24
Item 9(b) Appendix A - Year End Financial Report 2023-24
Item 9(c) - Local Authority Contributions
Item 9(c) Appendix A - Annual Financial Contributions
Item 9(d) - Virements and New Contractsl Financial Contributions
Item 10 - Draft Board Agenda 22.10.24