Agenda - Board Meeting 09.12.20
Item 2(a) - Unconfirmed Board Meeting Minutes 7 October 2020
Item 2(b) - Board Meeting Action List 7 October 2020
Item 3 - Unconfirmed Exec Committee Minutes 18 November 2020
Item 5 Appendix A - Reserves Movements and Forecast Position Report
Item 5 Appendix B - Income and Expenditure Report
Item 6 - Health, Wellbeing and Social Inclusion
Item 7 Appendix A - Safeguarding Policy
Item 7 Appendix B - Safeguarding Procedures
Item 8 - Financial and Contract Regulations
Item 8 Appendix A - Draft Financial and Contract Regulations CLEAN
Item 8 Appendix B - Draft Financial and Contract Regulations MARK UP
Item 9 - Budget Assumptions 2021-22
Item 11 Appendix A - Ourboretum brief outline
Item 13 Appendix A - External Bids Update
Item 13 Appendix B - Consultation Response to the A417 Road Scheme
Item 14 - Draft Agenda February Exec Committee