Item 15: Amendments to the Boards Constitution
Item 16: Draft Agenda for Executive Committee on 7th February 2013
Item 14: Code of Conduct and Members Register of Interest
Item 13: NAAONB & Europarc Federation Conference Report
Item 13: Appendix B - Europarc 2012 Report
Item 19: Appendix A - Decision Letter re Windfarm at Stinchcombe (use pp1 & 16 only)
Item 19: Appendix B - Lets Talk Health - Gloucestershire NHS Consultation Flyer
Item 20: Schedule of Meetings in 2013 Report
Item 20: Appendix A - Schedule of Meetings in 2013
Item 19: Casework Information Items
Item 19: Appendix C - Gloucestershire NHS Health & Wellbeing Strategy Draft Response
Item 13: Appendix A - Annual Conference of the National Association for AONB's 2012 Report
Item 12: Report - Scheme of Members Allowances for 2013-2014
Item 9: Report - Climate Change Advisory Service
Item 10: Appendix A - Business Plan 2013-2016 Draft 1.1
Item 9: Appendix A - Climate Change Advice & Support Flyer
Item 8: Cotswolds AONB Management Plan Review Update
Item 6: Report - October site visits
Item 10: Appendix C - Business Plan 2013-2016 Budget Summart Draft 1.1
Item 10: Appendix B - Business Plan 2013-2016 3 Year Work Programme Draft 1.1
Item 12: Appendix A - Scheme of Members Allowances for 2013-2014
Item 11: Friends of the Cotswolds Annual Report
Item 11: Appendix A - Friends of the Cotswolds Formal Accounts for 2011-2012
Item 10: Business Plan 2013-2016 Report
Item 6: Appendix A - Summary of site visits on 4th October 2012