Landscape Strategy and Guidelines have been produced for each of the 19 landscape character types defined in the Cotswolds Landscape Character Assessment. Local planners and decision makers use this information to make informed decisions about the suitability of proposed development or change within the Cotswold landscape.
- LCT 1: Escarpment Outliers
- LCT 2: Escarpment
- LCT 3: Rolling Hills and Valleys
- LCT 4: Enclosed Limestone Valley
- LCT 5: Settled Valleys
- LCT 6: Ironstone Hills and Valleys
- LCT 7: High Wold
- LCT 8: High Wold Valley
- LCT 9: High Wold Dip Slope
- LCT 10: High Wold Dip Slope Valley
- LCT 11: Dip Slope Lowland
- LCT 12: Dip Slope Lowland Valley
- LCT 13: Low Limestone Plateau
- LCT 14: Cornbrash Pastoral Lowlands
- LCT 15: Farmed Slopes
- LCT 16: Broad Floodplain Valley
- LCT 17: Pastoral Lowland Vale
- LCT 18: Settled Unwooded Vale
- LCT 19: Unwooded Vale