Cotswolds Farming Forum - Farming today and for the next 25 years

  • 19 February 2016

The Cotswolds Conservation Board will host this year’s annual Farming Forum at the Royal Agricultural University in Cirencester on Tuesday 8 March from 6:30pm.

The Forum will look at and discuss how farming might change over the next 25 years and what this means for the farming businesses, communities and the Cotswold landscape.

2016 is the 50th anniversary of the designation of the Cotswolds as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The AONB is a living working landscape with over 85% of the area farmed – of which 49% is crops and fallow and 42% grass.

Guest speakers include: Cotswolds farmer Henry Robinson who will look at land management today and how government agendas impact and Dr. Diane Mitchell, NFU’s Chief Environment Adviser will discuss how farming might look like in the Cotswolds in 25 years’ time.

The event is open to the farming community and further information can be obtained by calling 01451 862001.

If you are interested in attending, please call or email your details to 



Doors open – tea, coffee and cakes



Tanya Robbins, Chairman, Gloucestershire NFU 

Welcome and introductions.



Richard Wakeford, Cotswolds Conservation Board

Setting the Scene – Looking back to look forward



Henry Robinson, Cotswold farmer

Land Management Today – Government agendas and their impact on the ground.



Dr Diane Mitchell, NFU’s Chief Environment Adviser

What will farming look like in 25 years time and what does this mean for the Cotswolds.



Panel questions and discussion


