CNL Board Meeting Agenda - 20 February 2024
Item 2(a) - CNL Board Meeting 17.10.23_DRAFT MINUTES
Item 2(b) - CNL Board Meeting 17.10.23_ACTION LIST
Item 3 - Exec Committee Meeting 23.01.24_DRAFT MINUTES
Item 6 Appendix A - Levelling Up and Regeneration Act
Item 6 Appendix B - Targets and Outcomes Framework
Item 7 - Work Programme and KPIs
Item 7 Appendix A - Work Programme 2023-24 (progress report)
Item 7 Appendix B - KPI Tracker
Item 8(a) Appendix A(i) - 3Keel CNL FINAL REPORT
Item 8(a) Appendix A(ii) - 3Keel CNL Path to Net Zero Overview_One_Pager
Item 8(b) - Annual Work Programme 2024-25
Item 8(b) Appendix A - Detailed Work Programme 2024-25
Item 8(c) - Committees, Working and Steering Groups 2024-25
Item 8(d) - Management Plan 2025-30
Item 8(d) Appendix A - Management Plan Production Schedule
Item 9(a) i- Finance and Governance Committee Meeting Draft Minutes 16.11.2023
Item 9(a) ii - Finance and Governance Committee Meeting Draft Minutes 02.02.2024
Item 9(b) - Operating Budget 2024-25 Cover Paper
Item 9(b) Appendix A - Budget 2024-25 - Reserves Movements
Item 9(b) Appendix B - Budget 2024-25 - Income and Expenditure
Item 9(b) Appendix C - Reserves Policy
Item 9(c) - Risk Management Framework
Item 9(c) Appendix A - Key Risk Register
Item 9(d) i - External Audit 2022-2023 Closure Letter
Item 9(d) ii - External Audit 2022-2023 Report and Certificate
tem 9(d) iii - Annual Governance Statement 2022-2023
Item 9(e) - Virements and New Contracts
Item 10 - Draft Agenda (25 June 2024)