Item 2, Appendix A - Draft AGM Minutes 21 June 2022
Item 3 - Approval of Financial and Governance Statements and Return
Item 3, Appendix B - Internal Audit covering paper
Item 3, Appendix B(i) - Internal Audit Report
Item 3, Appendix C - Annual Governance Framework 2022-23
Item 3, Appendix D - Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022-23
Item 3, Appendix D(i) Bank Reconciliation as at 31 March 2023
Item 3, Appendix E - CNL Statement of Accounts 2022-23
Item 7 Appendix G - Executive Committee nomination statements
Item 10, Appendix H - Schedule of Meetings for 2023-24
Item 10, Appendix I - Schedule of Meetings for 2024-25