Item 2a - Board Meeting Minutes 22.06.21_DRAFT
Item 2b - Board Meeting Action List 22.06.21
Item 3 - Executive Committee 14.09.21_DRAFT
Item 7 - Annual Work Programme and KPIs
Item 7 Appendix A - Work Programme 21-22 Progress Report
Item 8a - Health and Safety Policy
Item 8a Appendix A - Health and Safety Policy Oct 21
Item 8a Appendix B - Health and Safety Process Oct 21
Item 8b - Cotswolds Nature Recovery Plan
Item 8b Appendix A - Cotswolds Nature Recovery Plan
Item 8b Appendix B - Contents of Tailored Versions
Item 8c - Climate Crisis Commitment
Item 8c Appendix A - CNL Climate Commitment
Item 9 - Finance and Governance Sub-Committee
Item 9a - Finance & Governance ToR
Item 9b - F&G Sub-Committee Minutes 10.09.21_DRAFT
Item 9c(i) - Internal Audit 2021-22 Assignments
Item 9c(ii) - Internal Audit Strategic Plan 2018-23
Item 9d - Budget Assumptions 2022-23
Item 10 - Draft Board Agenda 22.02.22