Agenda - Executive Committee - 25.05.21
Item 2(a) - Exec Committee 24.02.21 - Minutes_DRAFT
Item 2(b) - Exec Committee 24.02.21 - Actions Arising
Item 3 - Board Meeting 24.03.21 - Minutes_DRAFT
Item 4 - Procurement Waivers 2020-21
Item 4 Appendix A - Relevant Transactions 2020-21
Item 5 Appendix A - Internal Audit Report
Item 6 - Annual Governance Review
Item 6 Appendix A - Corporate Governance Framework
Item 7 - Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020-21
Item 7 Appendix A - AGAR page 3 Internal Audit Report 2020-21
Item 7 Appendix A - AGAR page 4 Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2020-21
Item 7 Appendix A - AGAR page 5 Section 2 Accounting Statements 2020-21
Item 7 Appendix B - Bank Reconciliation 31 March 2021
Item 8 - Statement of Accounts 2020-21
Item 8 Appendix A - DRAFT Statement of Accounts 2020-21
Item 10 Appendix A - Reserves Movements and Year-End Position Report
Item 10 Appendix B - Income and Expenditure Report
Item 10 Appendix C - Key Performance Indicators
Item 11 - Our Vision for the Cotswolds
Item 11 Appendix A - A Cotswolds Vision
Item 12 - Key Performance Indicators 2021-22
Item 12 Appendix A - KPI(3b) - Statutory Consultee
Item 13 - Working and Steering Groups
Item 14 - Annual Review 2020-21
Item 15 - Climate Change Strategy progress report
Item 15 Appendix A - work in progress 1
Item 15 Appendix B - work in progress 2
Item 18(a) - Draft Agenda June Board
Item 18(b) - Draft Agenda June AGM
Item 18(c) - Draft Agenda September Exec Committee