Unconfirmed Minutes 28 May 2019
Unconfirmed Minutes 25th June 2019
Agenda Item 07 - Business Plan 2019-20 - 2021-22 Quarter One Review
Agenda Item 08 - Business Plan 2020-23
Agenda Item 09 - Project Proposal Template
Agenda Item 10 - External Funding Challenge
Agenda Item 11 - Risk Management
Agenda Item 12 - Highways England's A417 Preferred Route Consultation Update
Agenda Item 13 - Planning Guidance and Consultations with Planning Authorities
Agenda Item 14 - Review of Concurrent Powers
Agenda Item 15 - The Conservation Board’s Main Legislative and Policy Framework
Agenda Item 16 - Communications Strategy Review
Agenda Item 17A - Glover Review of National Parks and AONBs
Agenda Item 17B - LEADER Programme
Agenda Item 17C - Task and Finish and Working Groups
Agenda Item 17D - External Bids Update
Agenda Item 18 - Comments, Compliments and Complaints review
Agenda Item 19 - Board Site Vists Agenda - 1st October 2019
Agenda Item 20 - Executive Committee Forward Plan 2019-20