Agenda Item 05 - Board Minutes - 28th June 2018
Agenda Item 06(i) - Executive Committee - 19th July 2018
Agenda Item 06(ii) - Executive Committee - 20th September 2018
Agenda Item 06(iii) - Executive Committee - 8th November 2018
Agenda Item 08 - Appendix A - Draft response to Glover Review call for evidence
Agenda Item 08 - Response to the Glover Review of National Parks and AONBs
Agenda Item 09 - Appendix A - Draft National Park Position Statement
Agenda Item 09 - Appendix B - Draft National Park FAQs
Agenda Item 09 - Appendix C - Cotswolds National Park media article
Agenda Item 09 - Position Statement on the Case for a Cotswolds National Park
Agenda Item 10 - Appendix A - Dark Night Skies
Agenda Item 10 - Dark Night Skies
Agenda Item 11 - Presentation - Pilot Partnership Project Working with Young People
Agenda Item 12 - 2019-22 Business Plan
Agenda Item 12 - Appendix A - 2019-22 Business Plan
Agenda Item 13(a) - Task and Finish Groups and Working Groups
Agenda Item 13(b) - Cotswolds Discovery Centre Partnership Board
Agenda Item 13(c) - Appendix A - LEADER Programme
Agenda Item 13(c) - LEADER Programme
Agenda Item 14 - Glorious Cotswolds Grasslands
Agenda Item 15 - Caring for the Cotswolds
Agenda Item 16 - Appendix A - Reserves Policy Review
Agenda Item 16 - Reserves Policy Review
Agenda Item 18 - Appendix A - Schedule of Board and Executive Committee Meeting Dates for 2019
Agenda Item 18 - Schedule of Board and Executive Committee Meeting Dates for 2019
Agenda Item 19 - Draft Agenda for Executive Committee on 26th February 2019
Agenda Item 20 - Executive Committee Forward Plan 2018-19